Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Our family has been ripped apart
Friday, July 15, 2011
Chloe Rolls, Noah Poops
Last night, Noah started taking off his diaper and saying "boop" (that's "poop"). So I brought him to the toilet and he sat right on there and had a nice conversation with me, which primarily consisted of the words "boop", "potty" and "uh oh". And guess what? He went poop! And he also wanted to tear off a bunch of toilet paper and put that into the toilet while he was doing so. I had to stop him after the second time for fear of a massive clog but he proceeded to tear off little tiny bits while I held the roll in place. But I was very proud of him! So good job, Noah! Over the weekend, he took off his diaper and peed on the living room floor because I was preoccupied with Chloe and no one else felt like doing anything. Slackers.
I love it when I'm expected to be in two different places doing two different things at the same time.
Speaking of which, Matt is leaving me in August for a WHOLE EFFING WEEK. WTF. I am going... to die.
I think we are heading up to Michigan on September 2. We will go straight up to Crystal Lake for a couple days and then head down to Grand Rapids and then leave on the 10th. Those are the plans for now. And we are hoping to have Chloe baptized while we are up there, too. We'll see! I guess we could have a joint birthday/baptism party for both of them. :)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
what's all the fuss about?
I find that a common question these days is, "How long will you breastfeed?" I just say... I really don't know, lol. I guess as long as everything is working out fine, I see no reason to put a deadline on it, you know? I'm not going to count on making it a whole year right now just because I learned from my last experience that smaller goals are best. I am just happy each day I continue to be able to breastfeed. If I do make it to a year and even longer... then awesome! The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months and then continuing to two years or more with the addition of solid foods.
Anyway, it was flooding downtown after work yesterday. That was pretty cray-cray. I had to turn around and take a very long detour to the daycare. And today, when I went to nurse Chloe on my lunch break, she decided she would just take a nap instead. So that means her extra 2-ounce emergency bottle will most certainly be used since her second bottle would have been given a lot earlier than if she had nursed. I hope she is not ravenous when I pick her up but she probably will be!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
2-month checkup.
So, needless to say, her 2-month checkup went great. She is 12 lbs, 12 oz! And 23 inches long. I felt so bad that she was all smiley and happy... yet, little did she know, she was about to get three injections in her thighs. :( So she totally freaked out as soon as she received that first poke... she let out a heartbreaking cry for a second but as soon as I scooped her up, it was like she flipped the switch and stopped immediately. I nursed her and then we left. She was sleeping when I dropped her back off at daycare.
Pumping has been going... just okay. Let me tell ya, it's definitely not my preferred method of milk removal, lol. I have to work my butt off to get enough milk for Chloe's bottles the next day. I make 12 ounces: Two five-ounce bottles and one two-ounce bottle just in case she's extra hungry (but that bottle is not always used up). I have to pump at least four times a day to get that. I pump twice at work and as much as I can at home until I have enough. I'm more thankful every day that I am close enough to go nurse her on my lunch break! Somehow, today I managed to go over by three ounces so I have three extra ounces in the fridge right now. :) That's a good feeling! I think I hit that point where my supply regulates itself based on whatever Chloe takes. So, instead of that nice, hormone-driven "oversupply", so to speak, I'm just producing what she needs. And, of course, the pump is not nearly as efficient as the baby so I don't expect to get as much as I was getting when I pumped my first week back at work. Oh, well... all the hard work is definitely worth it. And if I do have to pull out some formula to mix into breast milk one day, oh well. It's not the end of the world. But I'm going to try to avoid that. :)
This morning, however, I discovered leaked through my shirt for the first time, lol! Chloe didn't eat at all from my left side all night long so I guess that's to be expected. She woke up once to eat at 4:00 so I brought her to bed (she had fallen asleep in her swing) and fed her from my right side. I obviously was too tired to think straight and just fell asleep without switching sides. I thought about it but I just couldn't do it, lol. Plus, she fell asleep, too, and I didn't want to wake her. At least it didn't result in a plugged duct! I've had like four of those now and they hurt! I just pumped first thing this morning to relieve the pressure and got an extra ounce and a half. :)
I kept Noah home sick on Monday. He had a fever early that morning but then it was gone when I checked him again at 8:30. What the heck? Okay... so after his more-demonic-than-usual-meltdowns and congestion, we thought, "Oh... no. Two year molars." It is about that time, after all. So... we're bracing ourselves. This is the big daddy of teething woes and, with all the trouble Noah has with his teeth coming in, we know this is definitely going to be the grand finale. In a not-so-fun way. I will keep you posted on that news front, internet world. But maybe it will turn out to be uneventful (yeah right).
Thursday, June 16, 2011
This week my morning pumping output has been less than impressive. So this morning I tried double pumping instead of single and it gave me two more ounces! I ended up with 6 oz rather than 4 oz and Chloe eats 5 oz for her morning bottle so that's perfect. I also ate oatmeal when I got to work, which is said to help increase milk production. If I could get that much again this afternoon, that would be awesome but I'm happy with 4 oz for my afternoon sesh. At least I'm ahead 1 oz for today. :) I hope I don't have to pull from my freezer stash again tonight!
I'm also going to add in a short pumping session when I get home from work since I make a small bottle for Chloe to eat right before I pick her up from daycare. Only about 2-3 oz or so. I think I'm actually going to keep that one at 2 oz from now on. Just enough to hold her over until we get home. Then I can finish her feeding at home and pump afterwards or pump first thing if she seems satisfied.
Anyway, I bought June Christmas presents yesterday. :) I got some wooden M&D marionettes for Noah (a prince and a horse) and some Babylegs socks and leg warmers for Chloe... I just couldn't resist even though I'm trying to refrain from buying her more clothes, lol. Oh well. It's not like she'll know; she'll be 9 months old.
It looks like my mom will be paying us a visit on July 7! An extra pair of hands, yayyy, lol.
Monday, June 6, 2011
We got a babysitter on Saturday night so Matt and I could go enjoy a nice dinner at Wasabi 88. Which is REALLY yummy! It might be my new favorite place for Japanese. But I still have love for Japan Inn. After that we went over to Coldstone. And then we stopped by Best Buy so that I could have my phone looked at, lol. Now we run errands on dates, too.
I am still in the process of painting Noah's room... have been for the past month, lol. I should be able to finish this Friday though since it is my half day. Fingers crossed! Although even if I finish I will probably still need another coat of brown. Curse that. I hate painting. And yet I still do it for the sake of cuteness in Noah's room. I can't wait until it's all finished but it will be a while because now we are on a strict budget, lol. So I will have to buy piece by piece each month. :P Hopefully by Christmas it's done! I still need new crib sheets, wall decals, floating shelves, art and changing pad covers.
Noah's bedtime has been all sorts of messed up. Well, he goes to bed perfectly whenever we have a sitter. But when we're home, he cries and whines for hours and then just ends up falling asleep on the couch with Matt. :/ And this morning he also decided to wake up at 5:00... so of course, he fell asleep on the way to daycare, lol. Matt takes him to daycare now and I take Chloe. But I have to do drop-off and pick-up for both on Thursday because Matt has a seminar thing at 5:00. That is going to be interesting.
That's pretty much all that has been going on lately. Home projects, toddler craziness and back to work. It's our new normal!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
grocery trip.
I nursed Chloe in the parking lot while Matt and Noah continued into the store. We caught up with them after Chloe seemed satisfied and I had her situated in the Beco. Well, let me just tell ya, Chloe is not exactly the babywearing type. I hope she grows into it but right now, it's just not her thing. I was able to wear her for maybe 10 minutes and she really started stressin'. I thought, "Oh, no... I'm going to have to sit on a bench in the front of the store and nurse her for all to see," lol. I would have, of course... but I tried just taking her out of the carrier first and holding her in a blankie. That made her happier and she actually fell asleep while I was carrying her and stayed asleep for the rest of the endeavor. Of course, that left me without any hands to help but I directed the cart and pointed out what we needed to Matt and he threw it in the cart. It worked out pretty well.
One frappuccino spill and a full shopping cart later, mission complete. Really not too bad. Matt had to go alert someone to the minor spill after Noah decided to pick up one of our fraps and drop it. I totally saw that coming but, like I said, my hands were tied with a sleeping infant so there wasn't too much I could do, lol.
But both kiddos did really well. And I think I'm going to up the ante on my carrier supply and order a ring sling for Chloe as soon as I can. Since she hates the wrap and hates the SSC, I might as well branch out and try a sling. :) Maybe, just maybe... she will be a sling baby. I hope so because I love to carry my babes. I'd actually like to try Noah in a back carry in the Ergo and see how he likes it since I haven't been able to wear him since early on in my pregnancy with Chloe!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
news flash.
I've been going back and forth about whether latex or silicone nipples are better for her so I started off using silicone because the last time we used latex, it collapsed. I also kept her in her swing so she would recognize it as a different way of feeding and not expect the breast. Well, that doesn't work for her. So I decided a.) I'm switching back to latex and b.) I'm holding her close. I made sure not to tighten the nipple ring too much because that contributes to the nipple collapsing. SO...
I held her close to my chest and put the bottle at the level of my breast to make it as close to BFing as possible. She accepted! Also, she was hungry but not starving. I think that trying to give her a bottle when she's starving just pisses her off. I was sure to snuggle her close and maintain eye contact since she was lacking the skin-to-skin contact of BFing and I think it's important for her to not feel disconnected while feeding. It worked. I offered a 2-1/2 ounce bottle and she ate two ounces. :) Then I nursed her for comfort, lol. Plus, I think she takes less from a bottle than she does from the breast because the bottle is inferior in her eyes so she doesn't take more than she must for survival. I'm sure this will improve over time.
I pumped this morning and I got over in ounce in like two minutes! I thought that was exciting, lol. I couldn't finish this awesomeness though because Chloe woke up. It is challenging to start a freezer stash! I'm in good shape though. I have plenty to start Chloe at daycare and for occasional babysitters. I could probably stop pumping if I wanted to but I still try to pump if I have some time just for back-up's sake. And I should probably at least try to continue to pump so my boobs will get used to it for once I'm pumping at work. I can't believe I'm going back in two weeks! Two weeks from tomorrow exactly.
We got a babysitter for the first time since Chloe was born last weekend. I felt so bad leaving her because she was crying and I warmed up a bottle for the sitter to give her but she wasn't taking the bottle and Noah had just nailed her in the face with one of his toys... it was awful. I wanted nothing more than to nurse her but we were just barely leaving in time to make the movie and I didn't want to ruin it for Matt, lol. So I just sucked it up, trusted the babysitter to handle two under two and spent the duration of the movie stressing out. Matt called her right afterwards and everything turned out just fine. Noah went to bed SO easy for her (of course) and Chloe eventually took to the bottle.
We got paint for Noah's bedroom makeover! Well, the transition from it being Noah's nursery to a bedroom for Chloe and Noah. :) I'm excited to get started; I just need to find the time! I have a feeling this is going to be a looong process.
I had my post-partum checkup yesterday. Everything checked out fine although we didn't really spend time talking about me and just chatted about Chloe and whatnot, lol. But I'm assuming everything checked out fine since my midwife didn't say otherwise! :P
Well, Chloe is sleeping on me and I would like to move her so I can get some laundry done and do the dishes, prep the room for painting, etc. Lots to do! I didn't get anything done yesterday because I had my appointment at 10:30, got home at 12:00, ate lunch and then took a four-hour nap. :x
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
i'm confused.
But when somebody announces they have c-section surgery scheduled, the typical response seems to start with something along the lines of, "YAY!!!!"
??? Oh well.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
bottle rejection.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
We just need a big family car before we can start doing things as a family, lol. Which we will HOPEFULLY be getting this month! I even looked at a minivan. I know. But I don't think we will ever get one. We will probably end up going with a Chevrolet Traverse since it's a three-row crossover and Matt gets the GM family discount. I really can't wait!
I gotta run to CVS while I have a good window of opportunity (right after Chloe ate)... until next time... !
Monday, May 2, 2011
Photo Card
Look for one of these little charmers in your mailbox in the next couple of weeks. ;)

Friday, April 29, 2011
more newborn pics, pumping, bottles, etc.

Monday, April 25, 2011
newborn photos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
happy easter!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thank God he went to bed easily tonight. It's so hit and miss with him. His teeth must not be too bad tonight.
Just received notice that Stefano is voted off American Idol. Boohoo. I liked him okay but his performance last night was not good.
I would have loved to see Jacob go though. LOVED.
My girl April gave me a bunch more clothes for Chloe today. :D Thanks, April! AND a super adorable flower headband. :) We went to visit the office this afternoon. It was pretty quiet since most everyone was gone but Chloe got to meet two of my co-workers!
Tomorrow Chloe is getting her "newborn" pictures done (even though she barely qualifies as a newborn anymore, lol). I'm super excited for them! Should be a lot of fun... maybe not for her as much as it will be for me. :P I have a few ideas for her "outfits", one of course being her birthday suit with the headband on that April bought for her. And I also have these cute little beanies that my cousin knit. Then I have this red knit hoodie sweater that buttons and the buttons are little ladybugs. That's all I have so far!
Our TV has been broken for a week now. The lamp burnt out so we ordered a new one that we actually received in the mail today but now that we have that, we discovered that our DirecTV got fried when lightning basically struck in our backyard during the storms last weekend. It had also fried the board on our air unit. That was one crazy and LOUD (and bright) lightning strike, for sure.
Well, Chloe slept pretty great last night... although the fact that she sleeps next to me probably helps her sleep so well. And it's great for me because I can basically nurse her while I sleep when she does wake up. The only one who doesn't really win in this situation is my husband, lol! But if we had a KING SIZE bed, I'm sure he could still sleep in there with us, no problem. Sigh. If only.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
april christmas gifts... check.
And Noah's gift this month is probably going to be a stocking stuffer - it's a children's orchestral CD. I know he loves music so I think he will like this. :)
April is all done! Now I have to wait until May before I can buy some more goodies for the kids.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
quicklike update.
I found out just now that Noah bit another child at daycare today. :/ Greaaaat. We have THAT kid~! Hopefully that is just a one-time incident. I'm not even sure how to get him to not bite other kids when he doesn't do that at home (but he does bite himself... is that weird? Yeah, I think so.).
My birthday was last Friday! Matt got me an HTC Evo Shift. :D That was a great gift! Although I am having issues with the SD card already. So hopefully I can figure that out because right now it's not letting me take any pictures.
Speaking of pictures, I took some of Chloe today wearing her "0 months old" sticker. :P I bought a pack of month stickers from Etsy and that was included so I figured I'd use it! Even though she's not quite as little as she was when she was first born. I also picked up a few things at Target with her today. I got some onesies and fruffles (headbands) for her Easter basket... but I did take one of the fruffles out today so she could wear it for her pic, lol.
I got some Hello Panda cookies (strawberry and chocolate), animal crackers, bubbles, balloons and sidewalk chalk for Noah's easter basket. I want to fill some of those plastic eggs with candy so he can do an egg hunt but I could not find any! I also got him some new shoes. And Chloe also got a new blanket.
Oh, and Chloe was sleeping when I got to Target so I figured I'll just leave her sleeping in her car seat and I'll take out the stroller. So she was fine and slept... blah blah... then I'm going through the baby clothes section and she starts to cry. My fear. Because we all know that means she wants to eat. I took her out of the stroller and held her but she definitely wanted to eat. So luckily there was no one near me and I took our the nursing cover and got her situated (I'm glad she's still small enough that I can nurse her using one arm) and continued shopping, LOL. I wondered a.) how many people even knew what was happening and b.) of the people that knew what was happening, how many gave me dirty looks. I tried not to make eye contact but a kind fellow who worked there actually struck up a conversation with me while I was nursing her. I don't know if he even had a clue but he said he had a seven month old so he might have and just didn't care... which is awesome. I was kind of scared he was going to be like, "CAN I SEE HER?" lol So of course she started to get fussy again eventually... I know she had a dirty diaper, too, so that probably made her mad. I'm standing in the middle of the main aisle trying to get her re-situated, which wasn't happening, so I just took her out from under the cover and carried her... I very well may have flashed someone. Who knows.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
it sure is nice not having to pee every 30 minutes.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
yippy skippy!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
post-partum expressions.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
birth story.

I added a link above to the novel-length version of Chloe's birth story but here is a summary in case you don't feel like you need or want all the details. :P
I started timing contractions at 6:00pm on March 30. I labored at home for 12 hours before heading to the hospital around 6:00am on March 31. My midwife performed a cervical check once we got to our room and announced that I was 8 centimeters!
I spent about four hours total laboring there at the hospital, most of which was in the bath. I agreed to let my midwife break my bag of waters, which was actually bulging out of my vagina! So, of course, I had to reach down and feel it. She broke my water while I was in the bath and noticed meconium in the fluid. Thankfully, this posed no complications for the birth. The baby’s heartbeat was being checked periodically by fetal doppler. I was also able to go without a saline lock.
I was going to have a water birth until the fetal doppler did not pick up the baby’s heartbeat after multiple attempts by the nurse. I was instructed to head back over to the bed so I could get checked with the EFM. Luckily, the EFM picked up the baby’s heartbeat right away and everything was fine. I remained on the bed for the second stage and gave birth to Chloe Marcella on my hands and knees after just two contractions! She joined the world at 10:08am on March 31, weighing 8 lbs, 15oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. All I ended up with was a “papercut” but no stitches. I am barely even sore and Chloe and I are both doing great. :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
such a wonderful day!
I will work on writing a "formal" birth story soon. :)
no sleep for me.
now find i vocalize my way thru.... and standing and leaning is the most tolerable position. just waiting for these bad boys to pick up in frequency.
btw, a shower feels great on my belly but actually laboring in a bath is kind of nasty.
ctx are about 2 min apart - may head to hospital soon? not sure....
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
attempting to sleep.
By the way, contractions aren't too bad in the shower... the water feels so good on my belly. I think I'm going to have Matt bring me my cool compress so I can keep that on my abdomen while I attempt to fall asleep.
Wish me luck!
update: 41 weeks, 4 days
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
update: 41 weeks, 3 days
Monday, March 28, 2011
update: 41 weeks, 2 days
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
for your viewing pleasure.

I also did some damage at Babies R Us and Target. Let's start with BRU. I got some little newborn hats and onesies that I truly didn't need but this way the little guy or gal won't have to wear the hospital hat and they were buy one, get one 50% off. I also got some Medela HydroGel pads because I remember sending Matt out searching high and low for those bad boys in the early days of nursing and he couldn't find them anywhere! So now I have some. I also got a nursing cover. And some laundry detergent since I had a $5.00 off coupon. And then, of course, I had to browse through the clearance rack for Noah because all clearance items were buy one, get one free. I got him some new PJ's and a t-shirt. Oh, and let's not forget replacement pillows for the wipes warmer. That reminds me, I forgot to look for some new washcloths at Target but oh well. Lastly, I picked up some plates for Noah because he still has no toddler plates, lol. So I got a pack of those and a new style of sippy cup for him to try (all Gerber Graduates items were buy one, get one 50% off so... duh). I think that was all the damage I did at Babies R Us today. Luckily, I had that $5.00 coupon, 20% off one item (the nursing cover) and $40.00 in gift cards.
Now Target is where it gets dicey. So my intention is to only go in there for a closet shelf, two more storage totes in navy blue, some granny panties for my post-partum and/or laboring self (I don't do hospital gowns) and check out some sandals for Noah since the weather is getting too warm for closed shoes. Okay, wait... I did pretty good after all. I got all of the above plus a pajama t-shirt for myself that was on clearance for $4.00. I thought that would be a super cute & comfy top paired with a pair of the black hipster panties (Hanes, also purchased) to wear during labor. So one extra thing... not bad. I guess I did more harm at BRU. Oh and I also got a little Sterilite container to keep my bobby pins and hairties in.
I should also add pictures of the awesomeness that is now Noah's and #2's closet.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
my crappy immune system.
Fast-forward to Monday... I didn't get to post all this stuff right away because for some reason our laptop will not let me post anymore! So now it's Monday.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
and today is the day.
So anywho... hamburgers on the grill for dinner this evening - with mashed potatoes and corn. Yummy. This has been my fifth consecutive week cooking dinner every single night. Can you BELIEVE that? I can't. But I find that I enjoy getting home from work and cooking dinner every day. It's fun!
Friday, March 18, 2011
yes, you will know.
However, I would like to continue updates on this blog while I am laboring... just for memories' sake... because I'm sure I can come up with some pretty funny things to record. It's just a matter of how far I can get in labor while maintaining blog updates. That's the big question. Maybe Matt could take over for me at some point.
So if you're truly worried that we are going to keep the birth of this baby a big, bad secret, fear not. Everything will be right here. I promise.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
st. patty's day.
Speaking of next week, I'm so glad I take my maternity leave before I have the baby because I can't tell you how annoying I can see it being if I walked into work every morning past my due date and heard, "You're still HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Wow. But I'm also glad to have any opportunity "past due" to just rest up and prepare the house.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
names, sprinkle, etc.
Chloe Marcella is in the lead with a total of 56%. Isla Colette has 47%. Landon William is in the lead for the boys with 100% and Landon Phillip has 50%.
I pretty much agree with those standings. I might favor Chloe a little more than Isla and I think I favor L.W. over L.P., too.
So about this sprinkle thing... a "baby sprinkle," if you will. My co-workers surprised me with a bag full of baby goods last week! I thought that was super sweet of them. I got (or baby got, I should say) some burp cloths, onesies, pacifiers, lap pads, a Boppy cover and some dishwasher baskets. And also a gift card & some cashola. So now that I'm on the topic of baby necessities, I better make myself a list of all things BABY that I might need to purchase in the near future so I can keep my thoughts organized:
- Closet shelving unit (Target)
- Bookshelf (Target)
- Storage bins (Land of Nod)
- Nursing pads (almost forgot about those)
- Nursing cover (which I think I will be using my gift card on)
- Book organizer (Land of Nod)
- Crib sheets (Target)
- Crib (eventually)
- Feeding chair (eventually)
- Convertible car seat (eventually)
- Bottle labels (for daycare)
- Woven wrap carrier (not really something I NEED but we'll throw it in there)
- Cloth diapers (Kushies prefolds with Thirsties covers)
- Wet bag (another one for good measure)
Speaking of cloth diapers... to anyone who laughed at me when I was pregnant with Noah about using cloth diapers... who's laughing now?? I love cloth diapers!
- Washcloths for wipes (Circo & Carter's are the best)
- Disposable newborn-size diapers (because they poop so much)
Monday, March 14, 2011
new plan of action.
Just please, sweet little one, if you care at all about Momma's well-being (and your own), PLEASE come soon! I will give you whatever you want. ;)
So aside from all that, things are fine. I have been feeling contractions here and there... some stronger than others but nothing timeable. If you know anything about prostaglandins and where they are found at their best, you will know that Matt is going to be a very happy man this week. Sorry, TMI.
Fundal height: 39
Heart rate: 140's
Weight: Don't even go there.
Heart burn: As terrible as ever.
Pee: Too frequently.
Sleep: Almost nonexistant.
Sciatica: A pain in the (literally) rear.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
ideal timing.
So let's look at our options: March 15, 17 or 18 (which are pretty unlikely considering my EDD is not even until the 19th)... OR... March 22, 24 or 25. Actually, the latter week would be optimal since I will already be on maternity leave.
OTHERWISE... if I can't start labor in the early morning like I would prefer, then it must hold off until the 29th when my mom gets here so she can watch Noah on the off-hours. If not the 29th, then the 30th is out because my midwife has to be in the office so we would have to hope for the 31st, which is just stepping on the toes of induction.... because that would happen on April 1st if I didn't go into labor on my own.
SO. With all that being said... giving birth at about 1:00pm on March 24 would be my favorite circumstance. My midwife will be there... daycare will have Noah... Matt can take the afternoon to bond as a family at the hospital, then go pick up Noah and bring him back to meet the new baby, then they could go home for the night. Then Noah could still go to daycare the following day for at least a couple of hours while we get checked out of the hospital and settled in at home. Then Matt can also be with me the following Monday to help out (and that would only end up being three days he has to take off from work) and my mom will be arriving on the 29th so then she will be there to help while Matt goes back to work! So if anyone wants to send me "March 24 at 1:00pm" vibes, that would be spectacular! :D
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
march christmas gifts: check.
And for the little noobster: A pack of organic bodysuits from American Apparel. And its the last month that I won't know the sex of this child! Then I can start buying super cute girly things or more awesome boy things. :P
Monday, March 7, 2011
give me sugar or give me death.
I had my 38-week checkup this morning. Baby's heart rate was in the upper 130's. My fundal height was measuring 39cm and my midwife guesstimated the baby's weight to be around 7-1/2 lbs right now. The swelling in my feet really took off over the weekend, lol. It's pretty annoying when it gets so bad that I can feel it on the top of my foot... but right now, it's all good. Physically, I feel like I'm about to crumble or spontaneously explode. I never really understood why a lot of women complained about being pregnant toward the end. 40 weeks is 40 weeks, that's what you signed up for! So I'm still trying not to complain too much but I definitely understand why others do now, hahaha. It was not this bad with Noah! I don't know if it has to do with the fact that this is my second pregnancy or my pregnancies were relatively close together or what... but it is taking a toll on me now. But I only have a little time left so I can deal with it.
I've had my eye on these amazing nursing tops from Undercover Mama for a while now and Babysteals.com has them at 50% off today! I ordered two... and I hope the sizing works out okay. So I've got my two Bravado bras and two nursing tops on the way. Now I just need my boobs to work, haha. But seriously.
So last night I woke up at 1:00... 2:00... 3:00... 4:00...
I woke up to pee at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00. Mostly because something disturbs me and I either a.) realize I really must go or b.) I better get up and go in case I need to go comfort Noah and I cannot rock him while having to pee... I tried it last week and it's torture. But at 4:00 I really did have to go rock him but since I just went pee at like 3:15 or something, I figured I'd be okay. So I did that... then realize he peed a LOT in his sleep last night... so much so that his diaper leaked. I had him all rocked to drowsiness and found this out. So I changed his diaper while he was laying in his crib, just hoping and praying that that wouldn't disturb him to the point of wakefulness (it didn't, thank goodness). Then I decided that Cinnamon Toast Crunch sounded really good. So I had some of that. Then I went to the bathroom again and finally went back to bed around 4:30.