Sunday, April 3, 2011


I think I love her name more and more every day. It's simply sweet; feminine but not frou-frou. And I have no doubt that choosing Isla would have just thrown us into that group of parents who constantly have to correct the pronunciation of their child's name... at least around here, haha. But Chloe fits her. And Chloe Marcella is music to my ears. :)

Noah has been... accepting, for the most part. Of course, he wants to hit her with things and grab her face but... other than that, it's all good. He is definitely doing more to get our attention though, bless him. And that would be negative attention, for the record. He's turned into a little terror child I've never seen before since we brought Chloe home. I have been trying really hard to give him loving attention because obviously he's not getting as much from me as he's used to. I did almost everything for him and now I do almost nothing for him. I would get up in the early morning hours if he woke up and go rock him back to sleep, I would wake up with him in the morning and make him breakfast, I would give him his bath every evening after dinner, etc. So his world has just been turned upside down! But I know we will all adjust in good time. I still do what I can for him whenever Chloe is not nursing (which is pretty much all the time right now, lol). But his demand for our attention has seemed to increase ten-fold. :/ Hopefully that will pass...

Speaking of Chloe nursing, I think it's going well. I'm pretty sure my milk came in today since my boobs have been feeling quite heavy and tender. I can tell that she is getting milk since I can hear her swallowing and there's milk all over her mouth when she pulls off, lol. I was paranoid yesterday because I weighed her on our scale at home and it showed 8 lbs 4 oz. But I weighed her again today and it was 8 lbs 8 oz... and then again after a feeding and it was 8 lbs 10 oz (which is where she was in the hospital before we left). So I'm hoping these are all good things that will continue. I think we were having some latching issues, initially, but it is improving. I actually had a freak-out moment overnight when she would fuss at the breast. I didn't know if it's because she wasn't getting anything or what and I considered going to make some formula... but I KNEW that would probably mess me up. So I didn't. I tried burping her because she seemed quite gassy (in fact, she farts almost nonstop) and then tried the other breast and that worked out better. Then she fell asleep for three hours and I had to wake her to eat again. Her pee pee diapers have been fair today and she finally pooped for the first time today! So that's a good sign.

But she is nursing right now and I definitely don't want to type with one hand anymore.

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