Anyway, Chloe and I attempted to make it out the door for church at 1:30 this afternoon but she had spit up on two different outfits and I was half-dressed (really not even sure what I was going to wear), it was almost 1:00 and I just said, "Forget it!" Matt took Noah by himself. Not something I would have ever attempted, that's for sure.
Chloe does spit up a lot. The symptoms of GED and a forceful letdown/oversupply of breastmilk are annoyingly similar. So any time she is fussy, I worry about her being in pain (like last night). But even if she does have a mild case of reflux, I can take comfort in the fact that breastfeeding is the best thing you can do because it digests quickly, therefore leaving much less time for reflux to occur. Plus, breastmilk is a natural antacid, which kind of makes me wonder if that's why she nurses SO OFTEN. Who knows... she only really became fussier a couple days ago because she NEVER fussed in her first couple weeks. I let her sleep on her side. Sometimes it sounds like she's burping and gulping... which isn't a good sign (silent reflux). Anyway, it's probably more comfortable for her to sleep on her side and I'm right there next to her so that makes me feel better.
We let Noah eat quite a bit of candy today, LOL. Sign us up for parents of the year! ;) So he's been pretty wild. And definitely not going to bed yet like he should be. He just d
umped his basket of toys out in the living room. I set up an "egg hunt" in the backyard for him. We will have to upload that video! He was all excited to go search for eggs and put them in his basket. He also did an egg hunt on Friday at his daycare's Easter party. We've got that one on video, too.
Ooh, so Express had free shipping on all orders today. I purchased this large tote thinking I might be able to use it as another diaper bag for Chloe. It's cute and summery. I also got some black sequin sandals.
And Papa John's had everything 50% off today if you ordered online. We definitely took advantage of that for our Easter dinner. :) Yum yum!
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