Well, I will start with Chloe's newborn session part two. It went so much better than her first one! It probably helped that Matt and Noah weren't there to disturb the peace, lol. Or maybe moreso just Noah... bless his sweet little heart. This is one of my absolute favs from the session. She's so perfect! And I'm glad we did these when we did because her baby acne is getting worse by the day, LOL. I guess she got her mom's terrible skin genes. Sorry, Chloe.
Today we ventured out to Babies R Us... which, as we all know, is dangerous territory. Today was especially dangerous because it was my first time ever going out to look for things for Chloe. All the clearance items were BOGO free but I really didn't find as much as I was hoping to find. I ended up getting a cute onesie for her and some shorts for Noah. I also got her a set of sleeveless onesies from Carter's and an Amy Coe onesie. Then I got an Amy Coe tee for Noah that will go with a pair of plaid shorts he has that didn't really go with any of his current shirts. And I got a 4th of July t-shirt for him. Chloe already has an adorable 4th of July dress. Since I'm on the topic of clothing, Chloe has moved up to the 3 mos size already! She's growing so fast. Even one of her 6 mos sunsuits fits her loosely now. I guess that says good things about my milk supply! ;)
Tomorrow, I'm going to start pumping. I'm kind of nervous about it. I just want to make sure I do everything "right". So I think I will start in the morning after Chloe wakes to eat and then goes back to sleep. And I guess I'll just pump next when she is eating from a bottle and during her naps. I'm really not trying to build a "stash" but I guess it couldn't hurt to have some extra around the house for babysitters and whatnot. I just want to pump enough to make her next bottle that Matt will feed her with and also enough to begin her first day at daycare. So we will try that tomorrow for the first time and see how it goes. I got the Playtex Drop-Ins nurser starter set today. These bottles have gotten the best reviews across the board so that is why I'm going to try them first. My Avent bottles worked out fine for Noah in terms of him liking them... but we had plenty of leaking issues if the nipple wasn't screwed on JUST right and that's not something I'm willing to toy around with when it comes to breastmilk... for obvious reasons!
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