Sunday, December 19, 2010

Two more days!

Then we are heading north. :) I picked up a few things at the grocery store for our trip, such as diapers, wipes and snacks, mostly.

We celebrated Christmas as a family this morning. Noah enjoys his new little armchair! He also loves this O-ball that we got for him:

Then he got some boring things: Shoes, pajamas and socks. He'll get more exciting stuff from Santa on Christmas Day. :P

I got Matt all clothes! Four new dress shirts, two new ties, two tees and a pair of jeans.

Matt got me Your Shape Fitness for Kinect, Avatar on Blu-ray, a sweater, a tee, a scarf, arm warmers, a yoga mat and a yoga block. :) All kinds of good stuff!

As for my glucola test, I am getting that done tomorrow. They actually gave me the drink to bring home on Friday so then I can just take it at work tomorrow morning and get my bloodwork done an hour after that.

Friday, December 10, 2010

25 week checkup.

All is well on the prenatal front. I actually was a little bit too early to take the glucola to test for gestational diabetes so I'm going to go in for that next week. Now, watch me get a call right before Christmas saying I failed and have to go in for the three-hour test. That would suck.

Baby's heart rate was in the 140's and my fundal height measured 28cm. That means that the size of my uterus was measuring a little ahead (on schedule would have been 26cm) but not so much as to worry about anything at this point. I think I'm just a fatty. My midwife said it could just be the way the baby is positioned or it could be indicative of too much amniotic fluid (rare, I think). But, like I said, it's not so much of a concern right now... it probably would be if my fundal height was like 30cm or something.

I can't believe it's going to be Christmas in two weeks, yay! We're being much smarter about our travel plans this year by breaking it up into a two-day trip. We'll stop in Columbus, OH on the way up and Blacksburg, VA on the way home. I'm pretty excited about the road trip, I just hope Noah does okay with it. The last road trip we took was to Charlotte and that's only about four hours but he did pretty good with that one. It will take about 10 hours to get to Columbus and then only another four-ish to get to Grand Rapids the next day.

Sooo speaking of Christmas and traveling, we also decided to lighten our load a little bit (on the way up, at least) and do our own little family Christmas on Sunday the 19th. But all of Noah's presents from Santa are being shipped directly to my grandma's house where he will open them on Christmas morning. :)

Well, I'm out of stuff to write about... how boring am I?