Friday, July 15, 2011

Chloe Rolls, Noah Poops

On July 11, 2011, Chloe rolled all by herself from back to belly for the first time. She was three months and 10 days old. I just saw it for the first time myself a couple days ago, lol. But her teachers informed me of this accomplishment the day it happened. Yay for Chloe! Now, I can barely lay her down all the way before she starts to roll over. She is all about it. But then she gets mad so I have to pick her up or roll her back.

Last night, Noah started taking off his diaper and saying "boop" (that's "poop"). So I brought him to the toilet and he sat right on there and had a nice conversation with me, which primarily consisted of the words "boop", "potty" and "uh oh". And guess what? He went poop! And he also wanted to tear off a bunch of toilet paper and put that into the toilet while he was doing so. I had to stop him after the second time for fear of a massive clog but he proceeded to tear off little tiny bits while I held the roll in place. But I was very proud of him! So good job, Noah! Over the weekend, he took off his diaper and peed on the living room floor because I was preoccupied with Chloe and no one else felt like doing anything. Slackers.

I love it when I'm expected to be in two different places doing two different things at the same time.

Speaking of which, Matt is leaving me in August for a WHOLE EFFING WEEK. WTF. I am going... to die.

I think we are heading up to Michigan on September 2. We will go straight up to Crystal Lake for a couple days and then head down to Grand Rapids and then leave on the 10th. Those are the plans for now. And we are hoping to have Chloe baptized while we are up there, too. We'll see! I guess we could have a joint birthday/baptism party for both of them. :)

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