Friday, April 29, 2011
more newborn pics, pumping, bottles, etc.

Monday, April 25, 2011
newborn photos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
happy easter!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thank God he went to bed easily tonight. It's so hit and miss with him. His teeth must not be too bad tonight.
Just received notice that Stefano is voted off American Idol. Boohoo. I liked him okay but his performance last night was not good.
I would have loved to see Jacob go though. LOVED.
My girl April gave me a bunch more clothes for Chloe today. :D Thanks, April! AND a super adorable flower headband. :) We went to visit the office this afternoon. It was pretty quiet since most everyone was gone but Chloe got to meet two of my co-workers!
Tomorrow Chloe is getting her "newborn" pictures done (even though she barely qualifies as a newborn anymore, lol). I'm super excited for them! Should be a lot of fun... maybe not for her as much as it will be for me. :P I have a few ideas for her "outfits", one of course being her birthday suit with the headband on that April bought for her. And I also have these cute little beanies that my cousin knit. Then I have this red knit hoodie sweater that buttons and the buttons are little ladybugs. That's all I have so far!
Our TV has been broken for a week now. The lamp burnt out so we ordered a new one that we actually received in the mail today but now that we have that, we discovered that our DirecTV got fried when lightning basically struck in our backyard during the storms last weekend. It had also fried the board on our air unit. That was one crazy and LOUD (and bright) lightning strike, for sure.
Well, Chloe slept pretty great last night... although the fact that she sleeps next to me probably helps her sleep so well. And it's great for me because I can basically nurse her while I sleep when she does wake up. The only one who doesn't really win in this situation is my husband, lol! But if we had a KING SIZE bed, I'm sure he could still sleep in there with us, no problem. Sigh. If only.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
april christmas gifts... check.
And Noah's gift this month is probably going to be a stocking stuffer - it's a children's orchestral CD. I know he loves music so I think he will like this. :)
April is all done! Now I have to wait until May before I can buy some more goodies for the kids.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
quicklike update.
I found out just now that Noah bit another child at daycare today. :/ Greaaaat. We have THAT kid~! Hopefully that is just a one-time incident. I'm not even sure how to get him to not bite other kids when he doesn't do that at home (but he does bite himself... is that weird? Yeah, I think so.).
My birthday was last Friday! Matt got me an HTC Evo Shift. :D That was a great gift! Although I am having issues with the SD card already. So hopefully I can figure that out because right now it's not letting me take any pictures.
Speaking of pictures, I took some of Chloe today wearing her "0 months old" sticker. :P I bought a pack of month stickers from Etsy and that was included so I figured I'd use it! Even though she's not quite as little as she was when she was first born. I also picked up a few things at Target with her today. I got some onesies and fruffles (headbands) for her Easter basket... but I did take one of the fruffles out today so she could wear it for her pic, lol.
I got some Hello Panda cookies (strawberry and chocolate), animal crackers, bubbles, balloons and sidewalk chalk for Noah's easter basket. I want to fill some of those plastic eggs with candy so he can do an egg hunt but I could not find any! I also got him some new shoes. And Chloe also got a new blanket.
Oh, and Chloe was sleeping when I got to Target so I figured I'll just leave her sleeping in her car seat and I'll take out the stroller. So she was fine and slept... blah blah... then I'm going through the baby clothes section and she starts to cry. My fear. Because we all know that means she wants to eat. I took her out of the stroller and held her but she definitely wanted to eat. So luckily there was no one near me and I took our the nursing cover and got her situated (I'm glad she's still small enough that I can nurse her using one arm) and continued shopping, LOL. I wondered a.) how many people even knew what was happening and b.) of the people that knew what was happening, how many gave me dirty looks. I tried not to make eye contact but a kind fellow who worked there actually struck up a conversation with me while I was nursing her. I don't know if he even had a clue but he said he had a seven month old so he might have and just didn't care... which is awesome. I was kind of scared he was going to be like, "CAN I SEE HER?" lol So of course she started to get fussy again eventually... I know she had a dirty diaper, too, so that probably made her mad. I'm standing in the middle of the main aisle trying to get her re-situated, which wasn't happening, so I just took her out from under the cover and carried her... I very well may have flashed someone. Who knows.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
it sure is nice not having to pee every 30 minutes.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
yippy skippy!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
post-partum expressions.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
birth story.

I added a link above to the novel-length version of Chloe's birth story but here is a summary in case you don't feel like you need or want all the details. :P
I started timing contractions at 6:00pm on March 30. I labored at home for 12 hours before heading to the hospital around 6:00am on March 31. My midwife performed a cervical check once we got to our room and announced that I was 8 centimeters!
I spent about four hours total laboring there at the hospital, most of which was in the bath. I agreed to let my midwife break my bag of waters, which was actually bulging out of my vagina! So, of course, I had to reach down and feel it. She broke my water while I was in the bath and noticed meconium in the fluid. Thankfully, this posed no complications for the birth. The baby’s heartbeat was being checked periodically by fetal doppler. I was also able to go without a saline lock.
I was going to have a water birth until the fetal doppler did not pick up the baby’s heartbeat after multiple attempts by the nurse. I was instructed to head back over to the bed so I could get checked with the EFM. Luckily, the EFM picked up the baby’s heartbeat right away and everything was fine. I remained on the bed for the second stage and gave birth to Chloe Marcella on my hands and knees after just two contractions! She joined the world at 10:08am on March 31, weighing 8 lbs, 15oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. All I ended up with was a “papercut” but no stitches. I am barely even sore and Chloe and I are both doing great. :)