Then we are heading north. :) I picked up a few things at the grocery store for our trip, such as diapers, wipes and snacks, mostly.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Two more days!
Then we are heading north. :) I picked up a few things at the grocery store for our trip, such as diapers, wipes and snacks, mostly.
Friday, December 10, 2010
25 week checkup.
Baby's heart rate was in the 140's and my fundal height measured 28cm. That means that the size of my uterus was measuring a little ahead (on schedule would have been 26cm) but not so much as to worry about anything at this point. I think I'm just a fatty. My midwife said it could just be the way the baby is positioned or it could be indicative of too much amniotic fluid (rare, I think). But, like I said, it's not so much of a concern right now... it probably would be if my fundal height was like 30cm or something.
I can't believe it's going to be Christmas in two weeks, yay! We're being much smarter about our travel plans this year by breaking it up into a two-day trip. We'll stop in Columbus, OH on the way up and Blacksburg, VA on the way home. I'm pretty excited about the road trip, I just hope Noah does okay with it. The last road trip we took was to Charlotte and that's only about four hours but he did pretty good with that one. It will take about 10 hours to get to Columbus and then only another four-ish to get to Grand Rapids the next day.
Sooo speaking of Christmas and traveling, we also decided to lighten our load a little bit (on the way up, at least) and do our own little family Christmas on Sunday the 19th. But all of Noah's presents from Santa are being shipped directly to my grandma's house where he will open them on Christmas morning. :)
Well, I'm out of stuff to write about... how boring am I?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
the best cure for heartburn.

Thanksgiving was good. I ordered some yummy food from Fresh Market and cooked a little bit more. We ended up with a ton of food, of course. Noah loved turkey. I loved sweet potatoes. And rolls.
I feel like I'm going to blow up like the Conan O'Brien blimp by the time this pregnancy is over. Pregnant + the holidays? Psh. Yeah. This one has covered Noah's first birthday, our wedding anniversary, Halloween and Thanksgiving so far and has yet to cover Christmas, New Year's and Valentine's Day. All celebrations that come with dining out, lots of sweets, gigantic feasts...! Ahh! I'm scared to step on the scale at my next appointment (next week). And hoping that my diet doesn't affect the outcome of my gestational diabetes test (also next week). :x
Did I ever share Noah's picture with Santa?

It's pretty sweet. And he's rockin' the Lloyd Christmas cut. And his left pantleg is scrunched up, revealing the fact that he's not wearing socks. It's awesome. But the argyle trumps all of that.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
as my inspiration. Kind of a funky, mod, animal "theme" if you will. So I ordered these

to put on the closet instead of the plain white knobs that are on there right now. They are on clearance at PBK for $7 (for a set of two). What's a girl to do? Buy them, of course. $12 after shipping but they were originally $16 so I still saved $4 + shipping costs.
Those cute piggy banks (elephant & giraffe) shown in the top picture are from PBK, too, but alas... they are no longer available.
That's all I shall reveal for now. I'm loving it so far.
Wait. One more thing.

I don't know if I will for sure use this one but the mobile in my inspiration (copycat) nursery (you can't see it in that pic) is the MiGi Splash mobile which I can't find anywhere because it's been discontinued and this is the next closest thing MiGi is coming out with. I'm sure I'll be able to find other options. I just thought this one was really cute.
If we have a girl, Miss Thang is just going to have to be down with some blue and green for a while until we move and she gets her own room.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
names. weather. etc.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
time for a new little entry.
I had a prenatal checkup yesterday afternoon. Nothing too exciting happened! The baby's heart rate was in the 140's. I'm pretty sure I gained like eight pounds, bahaha! Well, I think I did lose a little bit in my first tri, too, so that had to be made up. Yeah. That's what I'm going to use as my excuse. ;)
My next appointment will include the lovely glucola beverage for my gestational diabetes test. I had a chiro appointment today, also. Apparently, my joints are loosening up and I've improved greatly since my first visit! I will go once next week and then probably go down to once a month or once every two weeks after that. I think once every two weeks would be good because the massage table and adjustment feels so nice!
Here's something: I fixed a leaky pipe under our sink tonight! I'm such a handywoman.
So I had the day off for Veterans Day today... greatly needed! I took Noah to daycare this morning and then took a nice three-hour nap. I can't believe I slept that long but yes I definitely woke up at 12:30, lol. The only productive things I accomplished were grocery shopping (milk, Frosted Flakes, trash bags, chicken nuggets and ketchup, if that counts as grocery shopping), laundry and fixing a leaky pipe under the sink.
Mmm, speaking of Frosted Flakes, Tony the Tiger is calling my name.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
hey, big spender. make that saver.
So I got some pretty great gifts (at least I think so) for some family members and a ton of new clothes for Noah (he made out the best in all this). I spent $150 but... I SAVED $175. Wow... I just impress myself sometimes. I got $325 worth of merch for over 50% less. Woohoo! Sorry, I just had to ... brag a little.
Oh, how about this? When I was changing Noah's diaper this morning, he took off naked (as usual) when I finished wiping him off and he starts peeing on the carpet (pretty typical). I swiftly pick him up and take him to the potty so he could finish peeing there. Well, I've noticed lately that he likes to play with his pee stream... not the most tidy hobby I've ever seen. THEN later on I put him back on the toilet after a nap and he sat there for a good five minutes, no activity occurring. He starts trying to scoot off the seat so I take him down and go to grab a new diaper. In the meantime, he just pees on the bathroom floor. So that's two floor pees in one day... I think that might be a record. Lots of pee adventures today. I just thought I would share.
I also finally have some evidence that all of Noah's devilish behavior lately has been a direct result of... teething (molars). I SAW one today! Thank the Lord. It's about time I see some fricking progress. At least then I know that that's one less molar he has to cut. Ugh!
Friday, November 5, 2010
crazy dream.
Okay, and I really hate venting but I just have to get this off my chest. What kind of a person would publicly admit that they put in earplugs while letting their babies CIO? HONESTLY?! I mean, I don't know if it can get anymore selfish than that. Please don't divulge your terrible advice out to others when it involves blatantly neglecting your children. Kthxbai. /vent
Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
copy: Noah's one-year checkup.
The big man is weighing in at 25 lbs... and I don't know what his height was since I didn't take him to the appointment and Matt doesn't remember. Anyway, new vaccines this time! We actually had them delayed because Noah was already down with a cold and the MMR vaccine is a live virus. So he will be going in this Friday for his ProQuad shot (assuming that's what they use... the MMR/varicella combo). I am having his Hep A vax delayed until he is two years old. That was actually the old recommendation... and then it changed for whatever reason. Oh, and he'll also receive his flu shot if they have them in... as long as it's the mercury-free (trace amounts, really) kind.
ALSO... apparently, Noah has an iron deficiency. They "like to see it at 10.5" and his was at a 10.1. So they instructed me to buy some iron supplement drops and give him one dropperful three times a day. So I found some at Babies R Us... uhh, excuse me? That's 10mg of iron in one dose (that is, one dropperful)... 100% of his daily value of iron. Did you know that iron overdose is one of the leading causes of death in children under six? Do you really think I'm going to give him 30mg of iron (that's the recommended amount for a PREGNANT woman) per day? No. I don't think so. Lesson learned here... trust your instincts. Doctors don't always know everything. By the way, that iron supp turned his poop almost black... it was pretty gross.
Now, obviously this is the most appropriate time to talk about food. I was looking to make some cheesy potato casserole last night and the recipe called for some cream of chicken soup. In my miniscule attempts to lead a pure and healthy lifestyle, I thought, "Why don't I make my own cream of chicken soup from scratch?" So I did. And it was awesome. The recipe made about two cans' worth so I used half and froze the other half. And this recipe was WAY easy. It smelled divine and looked just like the picture when I finished.
And the potato casserole turned out flawless. I also used fresh potatoes instead of frozen potatoes (the recipe called for frozen).
Now let's back up to Saturday. I decided that Saturday was the day to participate in some Halloween activities so we headed to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins and strolled around so Noah could look at all the animals. It was a little more exciting than last year when he was not even two months old and had no clue what was going on. I am sure next year will be even more fun. After that, we went to Babies R Us and bought Noah his Halloween costume that he will wear to the fall festival at Childtime this Friday (and also on Halloween). He is Winnie the Pooh! I had him wear the costume yesterday morning and it was so adorable.
Well, I will leave you with a random thought I had this morning. Are there certain things that you would get busted for as a kid but love to do as an adult just because you can? I chuckle to myself (in my head) every time I find that we have at least three boxes of cereal open at a time because I'm pretty sure my parents never liked us to have too many boxes of cereal open at one time. I love it when we have like five boxes of cereal open just because there's no one to scold us for doing so... hah! Love it.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Adalyn (American; noble),
Ariella (Hebrew; lioness of God),
Lilah (Persian; lilac tree),
Matilda (English; battle strength),
Khloe (Greek; verdant & blooming),
Isla (Scottish; island)
and Evangeline (English; messenger of good news) for the girls.
The lone boy name is Emery (English; work ruler).
I am stumped for potential middle names so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment! It can't be one syllable. That's my only strict stipulation because our last name (Hales) is one syllable... but if you think you have the greatest one syllable middle name EVER, I will at least consider possibly thinking about it.
What are my favorites, you ask? Well, obviously I don't have much of a choice about my favorite boy name right now... so it's Emery. And my favorite girl name could change, depending on what kinds of middle name possibilities I can come up with but right now, by themselves, I'm going to have to say Evangeline and Isla for the girl names.... maybe even Lilah, too.
Wait. I lied... I do have a couple of middle name ideas. Emery Nolan being one of them (Nolan is a surname from Matt's side of the family). I also thought of Evangeline Sophia. Sophia is not a family name (that I know of) but it kind of has a nice ring to it. Also, Khloe Marcella. I found Marcella on Matt's family tree... it was his great-grandmother's middle name. Matilda Colette... my maiden name is Cole so I would love to use Colette as a middle name for a girl but it doesn't flow well with many of the names we have right now. I think that's about all I have.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I give you Baby #2
And I thought I would do a little comparison because they look so similar! lol The ultrasound was great yesterday although the little peanut didn't want to really cooperate for Amy (the tech). He/she was just sitting there all bundled up in a little ball but it was actually quite cute. It was fun to see! Amy found out the sex (we weren't looking) and then sealed it in an envelope... which is actually in my purse right now. Want me to open it? Too bad. :)
We went to Charlotte over the weekend since Matt had a job interview (for his old job, lol) on Monday morning. We went to have dinner with some friends and then went to IKEA the next day. Neither of us had been to an IKEA before but I really like their stuff! It looks way better in person than it does online. So, while Matt was interviewing, I took Noah to get lunch in downtown Charlotte at Buffalo Wild Wings. I was so scared to take him by myself but he did really good.
Also, I forgot to give some additional stats from my appointment: heart rate was in the upper 130's/140's and Baby2 weighs approximately 8oz!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Chinese food.
I also decided that I will officially say that yesterday was the first time I felt the baby move. I was feeling faint flutters in the last week or so but yesterday, it was obvious. So there you have it. Quickening has commenced.
Oh, and Noah pooped in the hotel bathtub yesterday, heh heh. We went to Lynchburg, VA for the weekend. Nothing special happened... Matt and his friend just went to an anti-child/baby wedding. Noah and I went to Macy's and ordered room service at the hotel.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
So he gets pretty excited when he sees his reflection and he can see it in our fireplace so he took a few steps toward himself. That was the first time I saw him take more than one step before falling. So cute! And so weird! I can't believe he will be walking soon.
I'm also feeling some faint flutters in my belly here and there. Nothing strong or consistent but it seems Noah's little brother or sister is also trying to take some footsteps. I think I'm finally starting to show a little although no one else has really said anything besides Matt. It's getting pretty obvious to me but to strangers I probably just look like I need to do some ab exercises. Still waiting to hear the first "So when are you due?" Most people are too scared to ask that question but it does happen!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Then I took a nap. And then felt like butt for the rest of the night. Luckily, I feel better today though!! And I'm actually eating real food for the first time in over 24 hours. It's a nice feeling. I like to feel almost normal again.
So I'm hoping we're all getting over this icky bug and we can resume our normal activities (well, not that they consist of much more than watching TV and running some errands... we lead very exciting lives).
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
cue 2nd tri.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
12 week checkup.
Me: "Do you want to come to my checkup?"
Matt: "Sure"
Me: "Okay, I'll pick you up around five after or ten after 11:00."
... three hours later...
I pulled into the driveway and tried to call Matt to let him know I was there and it went straight to voicemail. Bad sign. I decide my next best option is to run inside and get him. Much to my surprise (or not), Matt is hanging out in his basketball shorts and cut-off tee playing Rock Band.
Me: "Ready?"
Matt: "For what? Oh, your appointment!"
Me: "I'll go by myself." (leaves immediately)
So there's the intro.
Anyway, I only weighed in at 147. That is certainly no more than I weighed last time (probably less but at least not by much). Nobody mentioned anything so that's good.
I finally heard the heartbeat for the first time! :D I was looking forward to that since it was too early at my last appointment. The heart rate was in the upper 140's/low 150's.
Good checkup! My next one will already consist of the "big ultrasound". This pregnancy is going so much faster than my first.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Noah is turning one!
Anyway, Noah got lots of cute gifts at his party thanks to the generosity of our family and friends. His cake turned out really cute and it was just a $20 cake from the Shop 'n' Save in Beulah, haha. Needless to say, our options were limited but it was fine. I set out "treasure chests" filled with "treasure" (candy... like Paydays, 100 Grands, Ring Pops, Lifesavers, chocolate coins) and hung a little pirate-themed Happy Birthday banner on the porch. It was pretty simple but pretty darn cute. I also made chocolate cupcakes to compliment the cake and put little skull & crossbones picks in them.
I've been feeling pretty good all week and then I get home and throw up everything I ate today (which wasn't a whole lot)! What the heck?! Please let this be the last time. I hate feeling queasy and throwing up. :/ I just made some coffee... hoping that helps to ease my tummy. We finally told everyone about expecting #2. My 12-week checkup is on Wednesday! I have no reason to believe anything is less than perfect, I just hope I haven't lost any weight. I certainly don't feel like I have so I doubt that will be a problem, lol.
Back to work tomorrow (I'm not really that excited... I miss the cottage)!
Monday, August 23, 2010
it would be nice...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
In other news, I'm feeling a little bit better in general each day. Less nausea and fatigue. That is a relief. I know it could come back at any moment but I'm hoping that doesn't happen. I still have some serious food aversions though... meat (gag) being the biggest one. I can't even write about it because the thought makes me want to throw up.
Next... I started trying to sleep train Noah a few days ago and that has been going pretty well. He is getting better at putting himself to sleep. There is some crying involved but never by himself. I think it's cruel to shut a baby in its room to cry alone. Noah mostly just whines and fusses which is no big deal but if he gets hysterical, one of us will go in there to comfort him. I usually just stay in there with him until he gets quiet enough that I can sneak out!
So anyway, I'm just going to lament for a second now. I'm sad that I won't be able to make Noah's birthday party like I originally wanted now that our income is about to significantly decrease. :( I think now I will just get the bare minimum to make it look pirate themed and that's it. A banner, some cupcake decorations and a treasure chest filled with "treasure". I suppose that should be good enough. I was going to get some balloons, tattoos, favors for the kids and some fancy shmancy pirate napkins, too, but I'll just have to get over it!
Friday, August 13, 2010
a "halestorm" indeed
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
8 weeks, 4 days.
I'll give it this much - I had cinnamon coffee cake for breakfast so at least it didn't taste too bad coming back up.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
the fatigue.
Everyone teases you about not getting any sleep once you have a newborn but what they FAIL to mention is the fatigue that you suffer through during first tri REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH SLEEP YOU GET!
I have felt better after a sleepless night with an infant than I do now after having eight hours of sleep.
I am so tired of being tired all the time. It has to be worse this time around than it was with Noah. That is for SURE. And now that I have to take care of him on top of it... it's definitely worse.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
round two!
The ultrasound was measuring the fetus at 6 weeks and 5 days. Therefore, I had to have ovulated on June 25 or cycle day 26 (the last temperature dip) instead of on June 21 or cycle day 22, as FF thought. That matches up with exactly where the ultrasound was measuring. So since I ended up in there so early, my midwife gave me the option of returning next week to have my betas drawn (they should double every 48 hours) so I'm going to go in on Monday and Wednesday to have that checked just to ensure that everything is progressing normally.
So there's the itty bitty bean!
In other news, Noah has graduated to the Infant II classroom at Childtime! Yay for Noah! He will be happy to crawl around with the other "big kids" now.
And happy 27th birthday to Matt today. :) I bought his favorite Starbucks coffee and had it ready for him this morning (even though he admitted to breaking into it last night). I also got him a book, "The Road to Serfdom", and some cologne and a graphic tee from Express. One of his favorite meals is in the slow cooker right now (homemade spaghetti sauce) and I'll make strawberry angel food cake (per his request of course) for him later. I'm really excited for that part because I found a recipe that looks amazing from