Thursday, November 11, 2010

time for a new little entry.

What's new? Hmm, it has been confirmed that one molar on each side, both top and bottom (that's four molars in total) has broken through the gumline in Noah's poor little mouth. And, of course, this all had to commence last week while Matt was out of town. Yep. So that's that.

I had a prenatal checkup yesterday afternoon. Nothing too exciting happened! The baby's heart rate was in the 140's. I'm pretty sure I gained like eight pounds, bahaha! Well, I think I did lose a little bit in my first tri, too, so that had to be made up. Yeah. That's what I'm going to use as my excuse. ;)

My next appointment will include the lovely glucola beverage for my gestational diabetes test. I had a chiro appointment today, also. Apparently, my joints are loosening up and I've improved greatly since my first visit! I will go once next week and then probably go down to once a month or once every two weeks after that. I think once every two weeks would be good because the massage table and adjustment feels so nice!

Here's something: I fixed a leaky pipe under our sink tonight! I'm such a handywoman.

So I had the day off for Veterans Day today... greatly needed! I took Noah to daycare this morning and then took a nice three-hour nap. I can't believe I slept that long but yes I definitely woke up at 12:30, lol. The only productive things I accomplished were grocery shopping (milk, Frosted Flakes, trash bags, chicken nuggets and ketchup, if that counts as grocery shopping), laundry and fixing a leaky pipe under the sink.

Mmm, speaking of Frosted Flakes, Tony the Tiger is calling my name.

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