Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I give you Baby #2

And I thought I would do a little comparison because they look so similar! lol The ultrasound was great yesterday although the little peanut didn't want to really cooperate for Amy (the tech). He/she was just sitting there all bundled up in a little ball but it was actually quite cute. It was fun to see! Amy found out the sex (we weren't looking) and then sealed it in an envelope... which is actually in my purse right now. Want me to open it? Too bad. :)

We went to Charlotte over the weekend since Matt had a job interview (for his old job, lol) on Monday morning. We went to have dinner with some friends and then went to IKEA the next day. Neither of us had been to an IKEA before but I really like their stuff! It looks way better in person than it does online. So, while Matt was interviewing, I took Noah to get lunch in downtown Charlotte at Buffalo Wild Wings. I was so scared to take him by myself but he did really good.

Also, I forgot to give some additional stats from my appointment: heart rate was in the upper 130's/140's and Baby2 weighs approximately 8oz!


  1. You are so funny! Why do you torture yourself with the envelope?! I told you last time that I wouldn't be able to handle it! haha

  2. LOL I don't torture myself! I just like to have it... and I like to torture other people. ;)
