I forgot to report back after my beta results. My first draw was 60,000 and my second was 80,000. They like to see them double every 48 hours but since I was far enough along (7 weeks) that my levels were tapering off anyway, they weren't worried about it. They were just glad they increased at all.
In other news, I'm feeling a little bit better in general each day. Less nausea and fatigue. That is a relief. I know it could come back at any moment but I'm hoping that doesn't happen. I still have some serious food aversions though... meat (gag) being the biggest one. I can't even write about it because the thought makes me want to throw up.
Next... I started trying to sleep train Noah a few days ago and that has been going pretty well. He is getting better at putting himself to sleep. There is some crying involved but never by himself. I think it's cruel to shut a baby in its room to cry alone. Noah mostly just whines and fusses which is no big deal but if he gets hysterical, one of us will go in there to comfort him. I usually just stay in there with him until he gets quiet enough that I can sneak out!
So anyway, I'm just going to lament for a second now. I'm sad that I won't be able to make Noah's birthday party like I originally wanted now that our income is about to significantly decrease. :( I think now I will just get the bare minimum to make it look pirate themed and that's it. A banner, some cupcake decorations and a treasure chest filled with "treasure". I suppose that should be good enough. I was going to get some balloons, tattoos, favors for the kids and some fancy shmancy pirate napkins, too, but I'll just have to get over it!
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