Well, I think it finally hit me yesterday. The clutter in our house was making me crazy. It still is making me crazy (because it's by no means eliminated yet) but at least I can feel better knowing that I am in the process of getting rid of it! So... I have a really hard time just cleaning. There is so much to do that it overwhelms me so I just crawl back into my little space on the couch and pretend it's not there. Well... NOT ANYMORE, darn it. I just needed some direction. Baby steps. Literally, a step-by-step guide to cleaning. And I found it at Fly Lady!
I shined that kitchen sink last night and let me tell you... that shiny kitchen sink is a reflection of the love that I have for myself. That was my first step. I even have a designated "sink towel" that I use to dry out the sink after each use. Step two (today's step) was to "get dressed to lace up shoes." I honestly have no idea what that means but I took it to mean that I basically need to make myself look nice and presentable. Well, I do that every day (except on the weekend) anyway so that was no problem.
I'm going to peek at tomorrow's step: "Do what we have already done." See... baby steps! I can do this.
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