Last night, I had the most peaceful birth dream! It was painless, quick and at home (unplanned, lol). Apparently, I could feel the baby descending and thought it would be smarter to stay at home... that's how it started. How nice would that be to determine I'm in labor when I'm already complete? Hah! Well, baby came right out and I held it to my chest for a minute before even checking to see if it was a boy or a girl. Then I discovered that it was a girl. That's pretty much it! I hope it's that simple. :)

Well, our pictures are done! They turned out so fabulous. I put most of them on Facebook but here is a collage I created and there are two more at the top of the blog. I will create a new page (link will be at the top) to some of my favorites for anyone who isn't friends with me on FB.
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