Our trip to Michigan went great! The road trip was fabulous. Breaking it up into a two-day trip was a very smart idea (::pats self on back::). Noah handled it really well. Of course, there were a couple of minor meltdowns (to be expected from a toddler strapped in a carseat for hours on end) but we did our best to keep him entertained and happy. It was great to see family and friends while were were home for the holidays. Vacation is a lot of WORK though so we were ready to come back!
Noah got lots of fun stuff for Christmas. Now, I am realizing I need to find some storage solutions for his mountain of toys that will surely continue to grow over the months and years. It is becoming a serious issue.
So, while it is fabulous spending Christmas Eve and Day amongst family, we've decided that next year (and thereafter), we are going to leave on the 26th and just spend Christmas with the two little ones at home. I think that will be much more Santa-friendly and a little less chaotic for us. Speaking of changes, I also decided that (especially since we'll have two kids to buy for) I am going to buy the kids' Christmas presents throughout the year rather than spending loads in the the months of November and December. SO... I actually ordered Noah's first gift yesterday. :P Here it is...
So it's for 3+ but... that's okay. Two years and three months is close enough. I got a good deal.
I had a checkup yesterday and I passed my 1-hour glucose test with flying colors. Now I just need to test negative for GBS (Group B Strep) and send "non-breech vibes" to the little bebe and all will be just dandy. Oh, and I only gained like two pounds over the holidays. Now that's a shocker.
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