Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the best cure for heartburn.

Thanksgiving was good. I ordered some yummy food from Fresh Market and cooked a little bit more. We ended up with a ton of food, of course. Noah loved turkey. I loved sweet potatoes. And rolls.

I feel like I'm going to blow up like the Conan O'Brien blimp by the time this pregnancy is over. Pregnant + the holidays? Psh. Yeah. This one has covered Noah's first birthday, our wedding anniversary, Halloween and Thanksgiving so far and has yet to cover Christmas, New Year's and Valentine's Day. All celebrations that come with dining out, lots of sweets, gigantic feasts...! Ahh! I'm scared to step on the scale at my next appointment (next week). And hoping that my diet doesn't affect the outcome of my gestational diabetes test (also next week). :x

Did I ever share Noah's picture with Santa?

It's pretty sweet. And he's rockin' the Lloyd Christmas cut. And his left pantleg is scrunched up, revealing the fact that he's not wearing socks. It's awesome. But the argyle trumps all of that.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Okayyy so I may have changed my mind about Noah's new bedroom design (so sue me). I was going to do Dr. Seuss and then decided... no. I want to use THIS

as my inspiration. Kind of a funky, mod, animal "theme" if you will. So I ordered these

to put on the closet instead of the plain white knobs that are on there right now. They are on clearance at PBK for $7 (for a set of two). What's a girl to do? Buy them, of course. $12 after shipping but they were originally $16 so I still saved $4 + shipping costs.

Those cute piggy banks (elephant & giraffe) shown in the top picture are from PBK, too, but alas... they are no longer available.

That's all I shall reveal for now. I'm loving it so far.

Wait. One more thing.

I don't know if I will for sure use this one but the mobile in my inspiration (copycat) nursery (you can't see it in that pic) is the MiGi Splash mobile which I can't find anywhere because it's been discontinued and this is the next closest thing MiGi is coming out with. I'm sure I'll be able to find other options. I just thought this one was really cute.

If we have a girl, Miss Thang is just going to have to be down with some blue and green for a while until we move and she gets her own room.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Looky what I just ordered. :) I let go of my Bucilla wishes. They are way too expensive.

names. weather. etc.

Well, today is entirely too warm for November. Sixty-nine degrees at the buttcrack of dawn? That is no good for me. I want my falls back. >:( The REAL fall. Like the kind you find in the midwest. :)

I still got a peppermint mocha anyway. I couldn't resist.

So I found this old family tree that I did in eighth grade and finished putting the info onto ancestry.com. I discovered that Sophia kind of COULD be a family name because my great great grandmother's name was Sophie... which is like the familiar form of Sophia. So that works?

Noah slept through the night last night. Those are always good nights... although it felt like he was crying but I was paralyzed in a dream and couldn't move. I ended up getting out of bed inside my dream and found Noah on the floor in our bedroom. It was really messed up. I don't know if he was truly crying in real life or if it was all in my dream but it seems like I could hear the monitor vibrating. Except I couldn't move despite having every intention to get up and check on him. But I'm sure he found what he needed (pacifier) or else he would have kept on going and I would have woken up eventually. It was just a very strange occurence. Kind of creepy. I fully woke up a little bit later on and checked my clock to see what the chances were that he really woke up. It was 5:00am at the time so, yep, chances are pretty good but like I said... he must have taken care of it himself.

Well, I've been pondering how many kids I really want in life, lol. I guess being pregnant with #2 while taking care of a 14-month old causes me to question my sanity about wanting four? Hahaha. That's still not entirely out of the question but I am (right now) thinking that after this one, we will wait until 2013 to try for more. That will give us a good break to enjoy our little family of four for a couple years and then decide where we want to go from there.

I should probably get to work! Until next time... (oh, and I'm getting my hair cut & highlighted after work today... like THIS:)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

time for a new little entry.

What's new? Hmm, it has been confirmed that one molar on each side, both top and bottom (that's four molars in total) has broken through the gumline in Noah's poor little mouth. And, of course, this all had to commence last week while Matt was out of town. Yep. So that's that.

I had a prenatal checkup yesterday afternoon. Nothing too exciting happened! The baby's heart rate was in the 140's. I'm pretty sure I gained like eight pounds, bahaha! Well, I think I did lose a little bit in my first tri, too, so that had to be made up. Yeah. That's what I'm going to use as my excuse. ;)

My next appointment will include the lovely glucola beverage for my gestational diabetes test. I had a chiro appointment today, also. Apparently, my joints are loosening up and I've improved greatly since my first visit! I will go once next week and then probably go down to once a month or once every two weeks after that. I think once every two weeks would be good because the massage table and adjustment feels so nice!

Here's something: I fixed a leaky pipe under our sink tonight! I'm such a handywoman.

So I had the day off for Veterans Day today... greatly needed! I took Noah to daycare this morning and then took a nice three-hour nap. I can't believe I slept that long but yes I definitely woke up at 12:30, lol. The only productive things I accomplished were grocery shopping (milk, Frosted Flakes, trash bags, chicken nuggets and ketchup, if that counts as grocery shopping), laundry and fixing a leaky pipe under the sink.

Mmm, speaking of Frosted Flakes, Tony the Tiger is calling my name.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

hey, big spender. make that saver.

I went to Belk's "early bird" (I'm like an old person) sale this morning at 7:00am. I was kind of debating whether or not I should go but Noah woke me up at 6:11 and I was about to get back into bed to sleep a little more (until Noah for sure woke up) but I thought to myself, "Well, I don't want to go later and have everything that I want be gone because then it would be pointless to even go at all." So then I turned the shower on and decided that I was just going to go as a greaseball in a hoodie instead so then I turned the shower back off, brushed my teeth, got dressed, wiped the excess/smudged eyeliner from beneath my eyes (because I don't wash my face at night unelss I take a shower... which I didn't = MAJOR greaseball), fed Noah, told Matt he was going to "babysit" and off I went.

So I got some pretty great gifts (at least I think so) for some family members and a ton of new clothes for Noah (he made out the best in all this). I spent $150 but... I SAVED $175. Wow... I just impress myself sometimes. I got $325 worth of merch for over 50% less. Woohoo! Sorry, I just had to ... brag a little.

Oh, how about this? When I was changing Noah's diaper this morning, he took off naked (as usual) when I finished wiping him off and he starts peeing on the carpet (pretty typical). I swiftly pick him up and take him to the potty so he could finish peeing there. Well, I've noticed lately that he likes to play with his pee stream... not the most tidy hobby I've ever seen. THEN later on I put him back on the toilet after a nap and he sat there for a good five minutes, no activity occurring. He starts trying to scoot off the seat so I take him down and go to grab a new diaper. In the meantime, he just pees on the bathroom floor. So that's two floor pees in one day... I think that might be a record. Lots of pee adventures today. I just thought I would share.

I also finally have some evidence that all of Noah's devilish behavior lately has been a direct result of... teething (molars). I SAW one today! Thank the Lord. It's about time I see some fricking progress. At least then I know that that's one less molar he has to cut. Ugh!

Friday, November 5, 2010

the latest & greatest.

Pardon the blur. That's me at 20 weeks & 6 days.

crazy dream.

I dreamt that I gave birth and was really hoping it was a girl... but Matt announced it was a boy... but then was like "Wait, I can't tell," LOL! And we couldn't figure out if we just had a boy or a girl. Pretty funny if you ask me. I would love to have a girl but the thought scares me a little bit. Plus, I feel like another boy would be so great for Noah! I'm torn! I hate it when people ask me if I prefer a boy or a girl.

Okay, and I really hate venting but I just have to get this off my chest. What kind of a person would publicly admit that they put in earplugs while letting their babies CIO? HONESTLY?! I mean, I don't know if it can get anymore selfish than that. Please don't divulge your terrible advice out to others when it involves blatantly neglecting your children. Kthxbai. /vent

Monday, November 1, 2010


Daycare called me at work this morning to let me know that Noah was running a fever. It was at 101.1 there and I checked it at home right before he took a nap and it was 102.6. Now he is snoozing and if it hasn't gone down when he wakes up, we'll have to administer some good ol' acetominophen (Triaminic). And what perfect timing because Matt is out of town until Friday... so I'm Noah's sole caregiver this week, which means I can't go to work if he's sick~!

I also set up my first chiro appointment for tomorrow afternoon so I'm hoping Noah's fever miraculously diminishes by about 2:00 and stays gone so I can go to that. I'm really looking forward to seeing a chiro regularly for the second half of my pregnancy! It can really help to open up the pelvis and just getting regular adjustments helps your body stay in balance as the belly expands and puts pressure on the spine.

Noah's second Halloween was fun... we attempted to trick-or-treat at one house across the street but she wasn't home so that was a big fat fail. Noah was pretty pissed about that. Maybe next year he will have a better understanding of trick-or-treating and we can actually go around the neighborhood a little bit. :) He was Winnie the Pooh and it was oh so cute! If we have a boy for the next one, then he can be Winnie the Pooh next year... the costume might be a little big but it could be so adorable! I also ordered this cute pumpkin-shaped trick-or-treat bag from PBK and it has Noah's name embroidered on it (see above).
Noah has been bringing home so much artwork lately, I don't know what to do with all of it! He made a bumblebee and a pumpkin out of paper plates, a footprint ghost and a button monster. It's the cutest stuff ever; I just don't see how I am going to store it all but I better get it figured out soon! I guess I can Google something I can use to start keeping all his masterpieces in.
I just finished roasting the rest of the pumpkin seeds we obtained yesterday... yummy! Our pumpkins turned out quite cute, too. Anyway, I think I'm done blogging for now. By the way, I'm about halfway through this pregnancy already! I can hardly believe it myself.